Travel: One day in Sapporo, 10 pictures

We have a new travel series where we will present a city in 10 pictures to show you how a day in that city looks like.


Sapporo is the fifth largest city of Japan and the largest city on the northern island of Hokkaido. It can not yet been reached by Shinkansen but by express train or by plane as the airport is about 40 minutes away from the city center by subway.

Maruyama park
Travel: One day in Sapporo, 10 pictures
Eat some local food on the streets
Travel: One day in Sapporo, 10 pictures
Sakaigawa shrine in Maruyama park
Okurazame Ski Jump Station, in good weather you can take the gondola up to the top for a beautiful view
Travel: One day in Sapporo, 10 pictures
Sampler at Sapporo beer museum
Travel: One day in Sapporo, 10 pictures
View from JR tower, a height of 173m on top of JR Sapporo station
Travel: One day in Sapporo, 10 pictures
Odori Park in the center of Sapporo
Travel: One day in Sapporo, 10 pictures
Sapporo Factory, very nice shopping mall
Travel: One day in Sapporo, 10 pictures
Yosakoi Soran festival in the streets
Travel: One day in Sapporo, 10 pictures
Delicious ramen in the ramen street, a small alley full of ramen restaurants

If you are looking for a hotel, check out: Review: Ibis Styles Sapporo

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